More Efficient :
Notify Blocker is a smart app which make your notify more efficient.
It helps you to manage notifications intelligently and intuitively.
You could decide which app notifications you would like to show or ignore.
The Smallest app :
Notify Blocker is only 1.0 MB ,its memory and battery usage is highly optimized.
1) Categorizing notifications based on their contents, not only by the app that sends the notifications.
2) Automatically clearing unimportant notifications, leaving your notification bar clean and useful.
3) Customized cleaning rules, making NotifyBlocker work for you.
4) Go through cleared notifications in Notify Blocker anytime and clear them all with one-tap.
Tell us what you think about Notify Blocker.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>